September 30, 2014

Ironman Maryland Recap

I truly don't have much to say about IMMD because I struggle every time I try to put into words how I feel about it; so let's rewind.


September 12, 2014

Ironman Mont Tremblant Race Recap

Swim 2.4 miles. Bike 112 miles and run a 26.2 mile marathon. Ironman. 

It’s incredible, the world’s most challenging race, and I was about to do it for a second time.  Except taking a step back, it’s so much more than a race. I’ve had a blank page for weeks trying to recap what this event meant to me, and finally here I am. To take a step back to catch anyone up; I decided to take on Ironman Mont Tremblant as a member of Team in Training, raising funds in honor of my cousin, Ava Turner who has overcome leukemia. The date was just a little over a year since I had competed in my first Ironman at Louisville. I still can’t fathom what an incredible anf fulfilling experience Ironman has brought into my life. While this is a race recap, I think that you'll get a glimpse into what the day looks like for a triathlete about to spend well over the greater part of the day immersed in racing.