October 15, 2013

Getting more than you think your giving...

 This summer I was blessed to have the opportunity to share my passion and excitement with one of my friends, Laura as I helped her train for the Mighty Moraine man 70.3 Half Iron Distance Triathlon. Needless to say as you can tell from this photo that it meant so much more than PR's and completing a dream to share the journey.

 It all started when Laura joined me on a long bike ride last spring. She loved it and was immediately hooked and decided to try a new challenge outside running marathons. I have to admit that helping her prepare for this race was a blessing for me. I had a training partner and a friend who would be along side of me for so many more big moments that I didn't even see coming.

On a 90 mile bike ride in July Laura coordinated with my at the time boyfriend and he proposed to me on a training ride. Just a few short weeks later Laura was at the finish-line as I fulfilled a lifelong dream on completing IRONMAN. While all of those were milestones along the way, the best moment for me was her crossing the finish-line and completing a goal that she once thought was impossible.

For everything that I put into this sport I get that and so much more out of it. I cant wait to see what's in store as we continue to head towards bigger goals both in fitness as well as our career and personal life. I have been so blessed to be apart of the triathlon community and the montra that "Anything is Possible" because I completely believe in it.

Go get your IRONMAN :)
Coach Mandy


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