October 30, 2013

Why Team in Training?

Don’t give up; don’t ever give up—Jimmy V.

Those six words are the most powerful words I have ever read during some of the most trying times of my life. Cancer means a lot of things to many people. As a young girl I remember family members having cancer, some recovering and some not. As a teenager and young adult I soon learned the devastating effects the disease would play on my life and that of my family when my mother was diagnosed with colon cancer. My mother was a constant source of joy and inspiration in my life and when she passed I lost a huge piece of my identity. Since that I have continued to be involved in several organizations working with and for the common goal of a cure.

Over the past few years cancer now has a new meaning for my family as it represents an amazing 6 year old's heroic drive for life and every other child that wakes up and fights against the vicious monster of childhood cancer. Our family knows oh too well that it takes and leaves too many permanent wounds that often do not heal. It represents one more year we have to celebrate and one more year of racing against the clock for a cure. While cancer has taken many forms and many meanings in our lives we absolutely cannot deny the impact it has had or the life lessons we will never forget. We tend to appreciate all the little things and not sweat the small stuff. We laugh too much and love so hard because we no longer take anything for granted.

This past August I competed in my first IRONMAN and again was witness to all the wonderful causes that others were racing for and their stories of surviving, battling, and lost loved ones. I couldn’t help but be taken back to some very special and difficult times in my life while running and hearing their stories. It made me think about the small amount of physical and mental pain that as athletes we go through for one day --and the non-comparison it has and is for cancer patients. It made me think back to all the ways that cancer is everywhere and leaves a web of emotion and pain for the ones left behind. In the days and week following IRONMAN I knew I wanted to do it again but I wanted to do it for something bigger than myself. Something that mattered and something that would make a difference for someone else. That's when the right click at the right time brought up Team in Training IRONMAN Mont Tremblant. I had been talking to my coach about the race and was very on the fence about even doing another IRONMAN. When I saw Team in Training was an opportunity to race for cancer I knew I HAD to do it. I am alive and well and have an opportunity to use this powerful and positive platform to help others. There is no bigger or better opportunity than that.

In August 2014 I will be competing in the Subaru IRONMAN North American Championship Mont Tremblant with Team in Training in honor of my family's little hero Ava Maryann Turner. The 140.6 mile race consists of a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike ride, and a 26.2 mile run which is nothing compared to the challenges that Ava has overcome the past few years. It compares nothing to the children and parents praying for a cure and for the ones who were lost too soon.
AVA is 6 years old and loves to sing and dance. She thinks that no hair is BEAUTIFUL (I do too) and she is always encouraging other to "be brave". She has Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) and is the bravest little girl I know! I am honored to embark on this journey and head right into battle for Ava and Team in Training.

My fundraising goal minimum is $5,000 so please consider helping me fund this cause and make a difference for all the little Ava's out there. You would have to search far and long for someone within a degree of separation who has not been affected by cancer. The money raised through all of these organizations is in an effort for all of us to someday not know the devastation of the disease and to never again lose someone we love way too soon.

Please consider passing my page along to anyone you know who may be able to help. Cancer is one of those things that with a village of fighters we will eventually find the answer. Join my village and help us find a cure! I have a mission-to help find cures and more effective treatments for blood cancers. Like the other members of TNT, I will be raising funds to help find cures and better treatments for leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease and myeloma. I’m improving the quality of my life by participating and with your support, I can help improve the quality of life for patients and their families as well. Please make a donation in support of my efforts with Team In Training and help advance the research for cures.

But more importantly, please consider donating. Let's make sure that everyone can say that they too, were lucky.


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