April 23, 2014

Join me today at Marathon Google Hangout with some of Pittsburgh's Leading Experts!

We are getting really excited for our marathon nutrition Google Hangout today at 12:30pm: http://bit.ly/Qvfpb2

Be sure to tune and ask questions! Here is our panel of experts (left to right in picture):

Mandy Budzowski, health coach Manager, UPMC Health Plan
- The onsite health coach manager for UPMC Health Plan. She helps members transform their lives for the better through the power of healthy lifestyles.
- Favorite fuel: dried fruit. Favorite hydration: homemade sports drink.
- Has completed the Louisville 140.6 mile IRONMAN, and over 85 marathons, half marathons, adventure races, triathlons, and 5 & 10K races all over the country.


April 11, 2014


Hi Team!! It's hard to believe that training is really starting to gear up and I am just a little under 4 months away from IRONMAN Mont Tremblant.  I am getting more and more excited with each passing day that I start to get more and more involved in immersing myself again in this process. I have a great support team behind me ready to help me complete this journey of 140.6 miles. This time it’s different though. IRONMAN was such a big deal for me and now I get to use the sport to raise awareness and funds for blood related cancers and all those who are fighting them daily. As the largest endurance training program in the U.S., Team In Training raises money towards finding a cure for Leukemia and Lymphoma and all other blood cancers.


April 05, 2014

Let me Run with Your Loved Ones Touched by Cancer

What will I get out of Team in Training over the next 5 months as I finish my journey to IRONMAN Mont Tremblant? Well, I’ve already walked away with new friends, amazing accomplishments and the sense that I have done something even more important than racing or being in good shape. I am contributing to helping save lives and raise awareness of blood cancer. As many of you now cancer has had a profound impact on my life, most likely changing the trajectory of anything that I would have ever done with my life. Most of the reason that I have grown and developed into the woman I am is because of the disease and the possibilities to help save even one life at a time.