April 05, 2014

Let me Run with Your Loved Ones Touched by Cancer

What will I get out of Team in Training over the next 5 months as I finish my journey to IRONMAN Mont Tremblant? Well, I’ve already walked away with new friends, amazing accomplishments and the sense that I have done something even more important than racing or being in good shape. I am contributing to helping save lives and raise awareness of blood cancer. As many of you now cancer has had a profound impact on my life, most likely changing the trajectory of anything that I would have ever done with my life. Most of the reason that I have grown and developed into the woman I am is because of the disease and the possibilities to help save even one life at a time.  

So, how serious is blood cancer? Well, every four minutes, someone new is diagnosed with blood cancer and every 10 minutes, someone dies. In exchange for your support, you will and have helped me raise money towards cures for blood cancers like leukemia -- the No. 1 disease killer of children -- lymphoma and myeloma. In exchange for your support I want to help you honor and remember ALL the reasons you give your support. Most likely that reason is because you know someone who has been touched by cancer, of any kind. My goal is to train with them when the journey gets tough and to finish all 140.6 miles with them all.

What I need from you is to continue to leave the names of those loved ones so that I don’t leave anyone out. Regardless if they have won their battle, or they lost it; they have impacted what we know about cancer and will continue to contribute to saving the lives of others Let’s light that light shine bright and be remembered and honored.

So if you haven’t leave the names so I can add them to list. They give me strength as to why I decided to do this again and they also give you hope that one day you or another loved one will never have to experience what you and your families have been through!
It’s going to be AMAZING! Thank You!

Love Yah! - Mandy


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