May 05, 2014

Love and Running - The View From the Sideline

Yesterday was AMAZING, not just because it’s my 6th Pittsburgh Marathon Event (YAY), but because for the first time ever I got to watch from the sideline as my fiancé was running towards his goal. I think this may have been the first time I had an opportunity to cheer him in from the sideline and it was SO MUCH FUN!! It was such a great feeling to have the opportunity to cheer in the very man who is in the rain, snow, and heat either competing beside me or waiting for me at the finish (camera in hand to capture the moment).

Throughout the past 5 years we have had an opportunity to be pulled into and pull others into a lifestyle that has brought us so much more than finish-lines. It's been able to bring us a life rich and full of the most empowering moments and the most inspiring individuals I have ever known or had the joy of being connected to from friends, coaches, fellow runners, and our families. No words for how truly blessed we are because of our lifestyles and the sport of running/ triathlon. 

Let me explain-- A little backlog- Christian and I basically met over a weekend trip through mutual friends back in 2009 AT A RACE in
Chicago.  We totally hit it off and a month later had our first date at the Spirit of Pittsburgh Half Marathon (yes we ran for a first date). It was LOVE at first date (no really). Our relationship continued to grow as that year we finished 6 national marathons/ half marathons across the country in California, Chicago, Arizona, Texas, District of Columbia, Michigan and Ohio.

It was so fun to finally have a partner who just got it. He understood my commitment and passion for sport and I respected his also. We didn’t have to worry about fighting for time or rearranging our busy schedules to make it work because we were able to do the things that often “got in the way” together. It was powerful for us to be able to push each other to new distances and goals while also continuing to support what the other was doing.

When my path took a little different of a direction into triathlon and eventually IRONMAN, Christian and I started to experience how supporting each other outside the run could really strengthen our relationship. We found new ways to incorporate our favorite things without losing our time together. We took vacations planned around races, did CrossFit together, and took turns with other duties (like cleaning, cooking, and laundry) when the other needed time to get that extra workout in.

The demands of training for and excelling in three sports is really time consuming but we’ve never had to give up each other or the rest of what we love because of it.  Fast forward to last July and I even got engaged on a training ride. I guess Christian just knew that another huge moment and milestone had to be as active and surprising as every day we spend together. Weeks later I would fulfill a lifelong goal of completing my first (of what will be many) Ironman distance triathlons.

Christian was there all 140.6 miles even though he wasn’t at my side the entire time.  I knew that he would be at all the really tough parts and every transition to help me keep my momentum (it was 94 degrees by the way). And 15 hours later, and about 20 hours after we actually started the day I finished. My coach told me something that I think about often and that’s how patient Christian was event when my friends were worried something happened. He said he just knew that I would be there and trusted in my ability and training. He was right, that’s what he always does--he believes in me and knows I will make it.

A lot of people ask me how we do it. How we fit in time for each other, the sport, and our lives in general. Both of us have careers, coach and teach classes outside of work, are graduate students, and parents (to two awesome little doggies), -----and we just do. Part of why it works is because the love and passion for a healthy lifestyle is so much a part of our daily routine. What we do has become so much apart of our everyday lifestyle it's just as important as anything else. We know the benefits of an active lifestyle and have reaped the awards a thousand times back in what it has done for our relationship together.

Every start and finish (regardless of race or not) continues to build our love and passion for the sport AND each other. I love Christian more and more every day because of the way that we continue to motivate and inspire each other. I know that our love will never fail because it's just not an option when you are committed to something to see it through. I love him more and more because of the kind and selfless man he is. I think it's a combination of all the lessons learned through running and sport (and other things too). You push yourself to limits you never thought possible and you also learn discipline and passion in a way that I think you wouldn’t really get anywhere else.

So back to the reason I even started writing this post. At the end of the day running for Christian and I is just apart of one more thing we love to do and enjoy together so every race is AMAZING and every start and finish is something that continues to build our love and passion for the sport AND each other. It was so AWESOME for me to be able to cheer him in yesterday because he does that for me all the time and I never get to be the one on the sideline. It was great for us to be able to do that backwards for once. I am so proud of him.

I just love him so much and the way that he continues to help me get better and we push and motivate each other in a way that I can't even describe. It's already been and will continue to be such an amazing life together as we continue to grow and just experience more of what’s to come.  My coach Matt Mauclair continues to inspire me and remind me of something on a regular basis “you never, ever cross the finish by yourself – you always bring across all the people who have helped you through this journey”. And he’s SO RIGHT. I bring everyone who is and has been a part of my journey with me, probably even you reading this!

Go get your IRONMAN,

Coach Mandy


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