June 23, 2014

IRONMAN 70.3 Syracuse Recap!

Persistence, Passion, Perseverance

I’ve never really been that great at race recaps just because I don’t really like to sit down and hash out every second of the race on paper- I do that the entire time in my head while I am racing. So here is my shortened recap of Ironman 70.3 Syracuse 2014. We came, we conquered!

We arrived in Cuse on Friday so we could get an early check in and check out the course. I always like to check in on the first day, at the end of the day to avoid long lines and big crowds (yeah they get to me). Right on time we arrived just a few minutes before closing so I was able to wiz right through and get all my necessities.

Saturday morning I met up with my training buddy Nick and after seeing the course we had to go out and ride the first 13-15 miles of “the mountain”. The first part of the course has a few of those and it was really hilly and the perfect challenge. We rode out and back and heading into Sunday I knew I would be confident and feel good that I had already tacked it a day prior. Saturday we met friends and walked them through transition and had a great meal and early bed.

Sunday morning started at about 3:30 a.m. because we had a 20 min drive to the race. We wanted to leave by 4am so that we could be in transition at 4:30 am when it opened. I am a heckler for being early incase I need extra time. I remember it being SO COLD and just wanting to get my wetsuit on. My friends Bob and Trish were doing their first 70.3 so we wanted to have plenty of time incase they need anything and sure enough Bob got a flat so we did.

The swim start was awesome because I was the 2nd group to head out (YAY)! We waded out to a buoy about 100-150 yards out and treaded water until the gun went off. My heart always pounds SO HARD at the start. The butterflies are crazy and I almost want to vomit but once I get started I am fine.  The swim was okay. I wore my wetsuit because the water was a little chilly for my liking but it was also choppy too so I had to adjust my strategy.

I had a good swim and headed into transition feeling GREAT, I finished in 38:45. Had a quick T1 and headed to the bike mount. I had to remind myself to be patient on the first 15 miles and no go out too hard and blow it. It was a nice hard climb and I just sat back and focused on staying consistent. After those first 15 miles the course allows you to really pick up speed. I had a great time flying on the back roads and running up some of the later climbs. Final bike spilt was 3:14 and I headed into T2 for the run.

The run had two really big spikes in elevation right in the middle of each loop. My coach challenged me to do whatever I needed to do so that I did not walk even if I was running slower than I could walk. I lived up to my half of the bargin and focused on staying strong. I had a final run time of 2:27.

I crossed the finish line in 6:28 feeling amazing. I felt like I could have done it again if I had to which is a great sign for Tremblant.  Now time to get to work for the big ticket in August! I recommend this race to anyone who is up for a challenge and some beautiful scenery!

I owe a HUGE THANK YOU to my IRONMATE Christian for being my strength and rock throughout the weekend. he is the best support crew ever as he makes sure I am all set in the morning, takes photos and is on all parts of the course offering me water and encouragement. I have the best Fiance in the world... and well the pups did awesome cheering all day too :) 

Coach Mandy


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