June 13, 2014

Wanna Swim, Bike, and RUN?

You said what? You want to wake up at 6am on a SATURDAY and drive WHERE to do WHAT? Yeah, that’s a typical response form most of you when I ask if you want to join me in one of my weekend workouts. Luckily there are a few CRAZIES out there to join me, and this post is ALL ABOUT YOU!
I am so lucky to have some friends who will tag along for WHATEVER the workout is. Without event blinking they already know what they are in for on any given Saturday or Sunday, and I soooo appreciate that.

SO what have some of those adventures included lately? Well, a lot of riding on my bike. Mostly 25-50 mile loops of Butler County. It also has included some pretty fun brick workouts. A brick is where I bike say 50 miles then run 5 right after. My fiance REALLY LOVES those (not). And my fav part of all this is flat tires and getting lost. I mean, what wouldn't be a good training ride without a few wrong turns, dehydration, bee stings, and a few Alpacas?

Let’s not forget 6am swims with Coach Matt. Most of those include at least 10-15 100 yard repeaters for time and minimal recovery. But hey swimming with the big dawgs only help you get better, right? RIGHT! And I have. I finished a swim the other day about 10 min faster than I could a year ago. In IRONMAN swim time ten minutes is like a lifetime, so its WORKING!

Anyways, thanks for hanging in there team. That’s what its all about, the journey right? I have made some pretty amazing friendships through all of this and I am just so glad that we can all support each other through this crazy and oh so rewarding sport! 



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