July 19, 2014

So What's New?

So what's new? Well I am so sorry that I seem to be slacking on my updating my blog. I mean the whole point of  having a blog is to share and I feel like I have been really really terrible at sharing this year. Truth is, its just so crazy busy. I keep telling myself as a joke that if I survive August it will be a miracle- but that's kinda true.  Here's the scoop.

Training's been amazing. I have had a few really really good 100 mile rides and strong runs off the bike. I feel like I am still in the swing for my 13 hour goal. My shoulder is still really touch and go but a few weekly massages and my chiro adjustments have been keeping that in line!

Outside of training about 20-30 hours a week is alot of other things, exciting but stressful. I am buying a house (we are buying a house) in August. I am so happy to have found a house in our neighborhood and we are literally moving 200 yards from our current home (SCOREEEEE)!  Outside of that work is really busy. We are prepping our largest launch of the program I manage and it all takes place the first two weeks of August, right before Ironman and leaving for Tremblant.

I really thought I would take some time to learn French this summer but that fell by the weigh-side too and so now I have changed efforts to Tagalog- the native language of the Philippines. Since we are going to see Christians family in just 6 months for our honeymoon I am learning the language, and its HARD!

So there you have it--- training, rehabing, working, and learning a new language while buying a house and planning a wedding. I'm not crazy or anything, right? Um yeah-- to be determined!

29 days,
Coach Mandy


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