July 21, 2014

Racing to Fight Cancer-

Yupp you guessed it-- all about Team in Training. BUt this is some pretty cool stuff, I was featured in the paper.... yuppers. Read all about it HERE. Or below.

- — Former Hickory High athlete Amanda Budzowski is on the run — the run to raise money to fight cancer.

Budzowski is part of Team in Training, an organization that has raised more than $1.4 billion for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society since forming in 1988. Her division is known as IRONTEAM and she is currently training for the 140.6-mile Ironman triathlon in Mont Tremblant, Canada, in August.

Budzowski graduated from Hickory in 2004 and earned bachelor and masters degrees at Slippery Rock University. She relocated to Pittsburgh where she works with UPMC Health Plan.

She is committed to raising $5,000 at the Ironman event and bring awareness to the the fight against cancer. Budzowski said,

“My Ironman journey started in 2007 when my mom had colon cancer and I raised $1,000 for The American Cancer Society. She passed away a year later, and I kept running and transitioned into triathlon. Here we are eight years later with over 100 races under my belt headed to Ironman to honor Ava and others with blood cancers.

“Cancer changed my life forever when my mom lost her battle. I can do this to help contribute, in hopes to finding a cure and ensuring others don’t go through what we did.”

She recently participated in a local fundraiser through Patricia Evans of Thyme in Your Kitchen, Sharon, where they held a cooking event. Rachel Pearce also gathered employees from Kohl’s who volunteered their time and Kohl’s raised $500 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Kelly Weis from the Hermitage store coordinated the volunteers and donation.

Evans donated 100 percent of the proceeds to Team in Training, in paying for a local band to play for the evening. In all it raised $1,500 toward Budzowski’s goal.

“Cancer is one of those things that knows no gender, race or socioeconomic boundaries,” said Budzowski. “What we are doing here and now to help advance research and find a cure has never been more important. I am just glad that I am apart of it.”

For additional information on the fundraiser visit http://pages.teamintraining.org/nyc/irnacham14/budzowski.


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