February 23, 2015

Wedding WOD!

I met Christian at a race in Chicago 5 years ago and we have been working out together ever since. We both believe that our connection through sport has only made our relationship grow deeper over the years and we are excited to see what the rest of our lives bring. So naturally, it only made sense that we would work out the morning of our wedding!

I need to think Coach Adrienne from Industrial Athletics Pittsburgh for hosting our Wedding WOD for us. He made sure we had the perfect endurance short WOD and then a challenging partner long WOD where of course Christian was my partner!

I have to say that I had a blast! I wore my veil and Christian wore his bow tie and we rocked out our Fittsburgh T-shirts. I am so thankful for my friends Kayla and Adam who did our photos and for all our crazy crossfit friends for joining us!


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