November 01, 2013

Catch Up

I am at a point in my training where I finally feel like I am back in a groove after IRONMAN Louisville. The journey of coming back off of an event like that was overwhelming as I headed directly into the 70.3 Half Iron Distance Triathlon, The Mighty Moraine Man. From there I decided to defer my entry into the Marine Corps Marathon because it was just too soon to continue at high mileage and I felt like I really needed some time to recover. I did however decide to continue for the Disney Dopey Challenge which is in just about 40 days at Walt Disney World.

Between all of that I have been having some issues with my right foot and have been diagnosed with Haglunds Deformity on both of my feet. Basically I have a huge bump on the back of foot that hurts like all heck when I walk or run. I had one evaluation and I go on Monday for a second opinion. The surgery is pretty rough because its a full sever of the Achilles tendon and so I want to try other options before going down that road. No sense in ruining a perfectly good Achilles, right?

Fundraising is going really well too. Of the $5,000 for Team in Training I am at about 23% with about $1,193. I started a new fundraiser making jewelry and that has really had some great interest so I am stocking up and considering making a large batch of items and having a jewelry sale with all proceeds going to Team in Training.

Speaking of IRONTEAM and IRONMAN Mont Tremblant, that is also going well. My coach has me working on a  run block now to prep for Dopey, and then we will kick off our training plan in January as we lead in full swing. My goals this year will be dependent upon what we can do about my foot but I know that Matt will get me to the start line strong and ready to do some work. I had no idea all of the ways that Matt would change my life and help me appreciate the sport of triathlon in the ways that I do. I am so grateful for such a wise and knowledgeable coach and I know that this year will be full of great things.


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