December 10, 2013

Cookies for a Cure Benefitting Team in Training

I would like to thank everyone who came out for Cookies for a Cure this past weekend. The event had such a great turnout and we raised over $500 total towards my goal of $5000 for IRONMAN Mont Tremblant in August. We had over 2100 cookies and one heck of a GREAT time. It was so wonderful to see all of you and hear stories of how my journey has inspired you to do something greater in your own lives. They say for every 1 person that trains for an IRONMAN or related endurance event, they touch and inspire about 15 lives around them. I hope that I can continue to inspire anyone who ever wanted to chase a dream, give back, or never give up!

Since I have been sharing my fundraising ideas, I wanted to share how the cookie exchange works for anyone else who may want to host one. Basically its a way to get all your holiday cookies in one day.

For this event I had each person bake one type of cookie to exchange. Each person made 6 dozen and separated them into 12 half dozen sets. At the exchange we put the cookies out in rows by type. Before each person left they went and grabbed 12 sets of cookies they wanted for their holiday cookie trays. I asked for a $10 donation for my event but many people ended up giving more. See the invite to the right. I fuzzed out our address and phone numbers.

I left the event feeling  like I am so lucky to have this opportunity to share the mission of the Leukemia and Lymphoma society through the IRONMAN platform. We all have been touched by cancer in some way shape or form and everyone wants to know that they have given something to this cause. This was a way for my close friends and family to make a difference in a way that they can remember and cherish.


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