December 23, 2013

Letting go of What I Can't Control

Today I went into my appointment for my second opinion on the issues I have been having with my foot with a very open mind. I was more optimistic than pessimistic and very hopeful that Haguland's Deformity would be an issue of the past. Unfortunately that was not the case. The doctor at UPMC Sports Medicine was very honest about what "pump bump" meant for my health as well as my future as a triathlete.

Basically the surgery to "fix" my foot should be avoided at all costs because of the nature of the recovery involved. As you can see in the photo below basically they cut the Achilles tendon and then go in and shave, saw, or drill off the extra pieces of bones and then add 4 anchors to the foot and sew you back up. The hard part is what comes next. Basically 4 weeks no weight bearing activity, 3 more weeks no walking, therapy for up to 6 months, and no "compound exercise" for a year post surgery. Basically no running for a year and no exercise of any kind for at least 6 months. Also all of this is very dependent upon recovery and progress made in therapy.

So I have several choices, and I am going to try them all. The doctor said that he really doesn't like to operate unless all other options have been exhausted (YAY, me either). He told me to continue wearing my achilles sleeve, gave me a heel insert, told me to drastically cut back on my mileage, try new shoes, and try more cross training than ever (swimming and biking) to prep for IRONMAN Mont Tremblant. He then also said that after IRONMAN strongly consider how my foot feels and how I want to continue. If it's to the point in which it's as painful as it is now we can do surgery knowing we exhausted all other options, but it will be one hell of a recovery.

I am at this point not backing out of IRONMAN Mont Tremblant. My coach told me that I could sulk over my decision ahead for a few days and then get ready to work hard towards the goals we have set. I have sulked and I am okay with the fact that I love running, but running hurts me and so I just cant do it as much. I have made a commitment that I intend to uphold. You see, every mile I swim, bike, and run this year between now and IRONMAN is in honor of Ava, and all the other boys and girls with blood cancers. They don't get to wake up on any given day and just quit, because their lives depending upon it. So this year when the going gets tough or I want to give up, that's what I am holding onto and keep moving forward with.

Like I said before IRONMAN changed me in so many ways and I am such a better person from the experience. I can't wait to continue to head towards that finish-line, and share it all with you along the way! Go find your IRONMAN!

Coach Mandy!


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