August 13, 2014

Mont Tremblant We have Arrived!!!

Check out that picture! Isn't it beautiful? I am absolutely in love with this village! It was TOTALLY worth the long drive here. Since arriving earlier today we have had a chance to visit the village and also drive the course. I am really excited about spending an entire week in this beautiful backdrop. The village is absolutely stunning and the locals are so welcoming and nice. I was worried about not knowing french but everyone speaks both English and french so we haven't had any issues.

Our resort is a place called Cap Tremblant and it's absolutely stunning. We have a 3 bedroom condo with mountain views and plenty of room. It actually may have too much room for just the 6 of us. It's about 2 miles out of the village but on the run and the bike course so its PERFECT for spectators! I am so excited to have my sister and my niece get to see Ironman this year. last year she was in labor ready to give birth to my niece Julia during Ironman and missed being here. Having them all there will mean so much to me!

The weather is a little bit tricky right now with mornings in the low 50's and day temps in the mid 60's but I am certain it will be perfect racing weather. We know several other athletes racing here this week so the only thing left to do is check in, ride the course, and do the practice swim before Sunday. I also have some events for Team in Training to attend too. I am so proud that we have raised $6,000 towards TNT for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. AMAZING! I am so ready to  do some exploring and enjoy ourselves between now and sunday!! I will be in touch!

Life's wonderful!


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