August 16, 2014

The days leading to Ironman Mont Tremblant

I have to say that I am just in awe at how beautiful this city is and how much it has embraced the athletes and provided a high quality venue. I am so lucky to be here and happy that we chose this event! So let me share a little that has been happening!

When we first arrived we went right to the city and got checked in. The expo area was easy to find and navigate and super convenient for anyone in town. We zipped right through and got our necessities and had lunch in the center of town. I have to admit it was a sticker shock because it was kind of expensive. Either way, when in Mont Tremblant, right?

Coach and I both have really good numbers this year (to the right). I have the world's best coach.... no really. Matt Mauclair not only has years and years (I think 14  of the 140.6 distances under his belt) of experience but is also absolutely involved with his athletes. I have grown and improved so much since starting with him and I appreciate the way that he challenges his athletes to reach further and strive to be better than we think we can.

Amber, Ron and Julia arrived just a day after us and it has been SO NICE to be able to enjoy 5 days in a row with them! We never get to spend more than a day or two here and there and I am so happy to get to wake up and see them every single morning. This vacation has been the most relaxed I have been in a long time!

The water here has been in the low 60's and the air temp has been in the 50's. I was surprised at how warm I felt in the water each day at the practice swim. For me, Ironman is all about the swim. Its the part that I am most uncomfortable with and at-once I hit the shore and head out on the bike anything can happen and the race is mentally over for me in terms of difficulty.

The best part about the practice swim was "The Kona Experience" where we had coffee from the cafe in the middle of the lake. It was awesome and I don't event drink coffee but had to do it as apart of the whole experience. The picture on the left is Vicki and I. She has been one of my training partners the past few months and this is her first Ironman. I am so excited for her! She will kick butt and do amazing!

Finally we had the Team in Training inspiration dinner where we got to enjoy and celebrate the accomplishments of the team collectively. As a whole IRONTEAM has raised 3 million dollars this year! AMAZING! Now all that there is left to do is head to bed and rock this thing in the morning!!

Thanks for all the support!


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