January 13, 2015

Get one day better every day!

I got a little jump-start on my 2015 motivation with my recent entry into Ironman 70.3 Subic Bay. After my "off season" which is totally just a way for me to enjoy my workouts and sleep again, I started to consider what I wanted out of this year.

So with that being said, I saw a quote from one of my Triathlon idols , Lindsey Corbin and she said this "Get one day better every day". It sounds simple right? And it is. The more than I think about it I want to be better each day than I was the day before and show up giving the best I have to whatever I am working on that day.

So for the next 7 weeks until Ironman Subic Bay, my calendar is a little crazy. I added a photo below of the high level then I have my handy excel worksheet for the low level. Having a shorter training period for this race than typical I am really nervous, but I am looking at this as a life experience. I get to race in a beautiful country and have the experience what I call the "warm and fuzzies" and accomplishment of another finishline! I am swimming, biking, crossfitting, running, and doing yoga alot... but I am certain that it will all pay off for me regardless of how I do in this season prep race experience!


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