February 23, 2015

Wedding WOD!

I met Christian at a race in Chicago 5 years ago and we have been working out together ever since. We both believe that our connection through sport has only made our relationship grow deeper over the years and we are excited to see what the rest of our lives bring. So naturally, it only made sense that we would work out the morning of our wedding!


January 15, 2015

Treadmill Interval Workout

I made the commitment to myself to step away each and every day that I am at work this year! I actually started this goal in 2014 (late) but I’ll call it a New Year’s Goal since it’s so “new” to me. Basically I made a promise to take back my lunch…. I have gotten into a routine where I work through lunch and find myself burnout, crank, and unhappy at the end of my workday (which almost always went longer than expected).


January 13, 2015

Get one day better every day!

I got a little jump-start on my 2015 motivation with my recent entry into Ironman 70.3 Subic Bay. After my "off season" which is totally just a way for me to enjoy my workouts and sleep again, I started to consider what I wanted out of this year.


December 30, 2014

Merry Christmas-- You're going to Ironman 70.3 Subic Bay!

All my life I have tried to look through a lens that valued experiences over things. I love to soak up the sun on a warm day, feel the wind in my air when on my bike, and experiencing the warm and fuzzies. Luckily, I am marrying a man who feels the exact same way. The bond we share through a mutual passion for living a life of health and happiness is extraordinary. I can't really explain it fully but I know that I am so lucky to have him.


September 30, 2014

Ironman Maryland Recap

I truly don't have much to say about IMMD because I struggle every time I try to put into words how I feel about it; so let's rewind.


September 12, 2014

Ironman Mont Tremblant Race Recap

Swim 2.4 miles. Bike 112 miles and run a 26.2 mile marathon. Ironman. 

It’s incredible, the world’s most challenging race, and I was about to do it for a second time.  Except taking a step back, it’s so much more than a race. I’ve had a blank page for weeks trying to recap what this event meant to me, and finally here I am. To take a step back to catch anyone up; I decided to take on Ironman Mont Tremblant as a member of Team in Training, raising funds in honor of my cousin, Ava Turner who has overcome leukemia. The date was just a little over a year since I had competed in my first Ironman at Louisville. I still can’t fathom what an incredible anf fulfilling experience Ironman has brought into my life. While this is a race recap, I think that you'll get a glimpse into what the day looks like for a triathlete about to spend well over the greater part of the day immersed in racing. 


August 16, 2014

The days leading to Ironman Mont Tremblant

I have to say that I am just in awe at how beautiful this city is and how much it has embraced the athletes and provided a high quality venue. I am so lucky to be here and happy that we chose this event! So let me share a little that has been happening!