December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

As we close the year I want to say Merry Christmas (or whatever holiday you celebrate) and Happy New Year! I am so grateful to have had so many opportunities this year, many of which I call life changing experiences. I am truly blessed and hope that I can continue to share my passion and also help others in need.


December 23, 2013

Letting go of What I Can't Control

Today I went into my appointment for my second opinion on the issues I have been having with my foot with a very open mind. I was more optimistic than pessimistic and very hopeful that Haguland's Deformity would be an issue of the past. Unfortunately that was not the case. The doctor at UPMC Sports Medicine was very honest about what "pump bump" meant for my health as well as my future as a triathlete.


December 10, 2013

Cookies for a Cure Benefitting Team in Training

I would like to thank everyone who came out for Cookies for a Cure this past weekend. The event had such a great turnout and we raised over $500 total towards my goal of $5000 for IRONMAN Mont Tremblant in August. We had over 2100 cookies and one heck of a GREAT time. It was so wonderful to see all of you and hear stories of how my journey has inspired you to do something greater in your own lives. They say for every 1 person that trains for an IRONMAN or related endurance event, they touch and inspire about 15 lives around them. I hope that I can continue to inspire anyone who ever wanted to chase a dream, give back, or never give up!


November 01, 2013

Catch Up

I am at a point in my training where I finally feel like I am back in a groove after IRONMAN Louisville. The journey of coming back off of an event like that was overwhelming as I headed directly into the 70.3 Half Iron Distance Triathlon, The Mighty Moraine Man. From there I decided to defer my entry into the Marine Corps Marathon because it was just too soon to continue at high mileage and I felt like I really needed some time to recover. I did however decide to continue for the Disney Dopey Challenge which is in just about 40 days at Walt Disney World.


October 30, 2013

Why Team in Training?

Don’t give up; don’t ever give up—Jimmy V.

Those six words are the most powerful words I have ever read during some of the most trying times of my life. Cancer means a lot of things to many people. As a young girl I remember family members having cancer, some recovering and some not. As a teenager and young adult I soon learned the devastating effects the disease would play on my life and that of my family when my mother was diagnosed with colon cancer. My mother was a constant source of joy and inspiration in my life and when she passed I lost a huge piece of my identity. Since that I have continued to be involved in several organizations working with and for the common goal of a cure.


October 15, 2013

Getting more than you think your giving...

 This summer I was blessed to have the opportunity to share my passion and excitement with one of my friends, Laura as I helped her train for the Mighty Moraine man 70.3 Half Iron Distance Triathlon. Needless to say as you can tell from this photo that it meant so much more than PR's and completing a dream to share the journey.


September 01, 2013

Thank You!

Mandy Budzowski from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania—YOU ARE AN IRONMAN!

I doubt I will ever forget those nine words — or the incredible journey of my first IRONMAN. I’ve waited almost a week to do this recap and share my experience with you because each time I start, I have gotten completely overwhelmed with intense gratitude for the experience and for everyone who has supported me this season.


August 31, 2013

Welcome to IRONMANDY

Welcome to my personal blog, IRONMANDY. As I train for IRONMAN as apart of IRONTEAM through Team and Training and the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, I will be working hard at raising awareness for blood related cancers and funds to find a cure, and here I will be sharing my training and events with you, our team at large. 

Yes, YOU! You see, I envision my team as so much more than myself but all of you too. I am truly inspired by my friends, family, and complete strangers who are all on the journey with me. My hope is that by sharing my love for swimming, biking, and running, that along the way you may also inspire someone to start their own journey for a cause that’s truly important to them.

At the end of the day it’s not about the final race, but something bigger than that. I hope you will jopin me for the adventure of thousands of miles!
