December 30, 2014

Merry Christmas-- You're going to Ironman 70.3 Subic Bay!

All my life I have tried to look through a lens that valued experiences over things. I love to soak up the sun on a warm day, feel the wind in my air when on my bike, and experiencing the warm and fuzzies. Luckily, I am marrying a man who feels the exact same way. The bond we share through a mutual passion for living a life of health and happiness is extraordinary. I can't really explain it fully but I know that I am so lucky to have him.


September 30, 2014

Ironman Maryland Recap

I truly don't have much to say about IMMD because I struggle every time I try to put into words how I feel about it; so let's rewind.


September 12, 2014

Ironman Mont Tremblant Race Recap

Swim 2.4 miles. Bike 112 miles and run a 26.2 mile marathon. Ironman. 

It’s incredible, the world’s most challenging race, and I was about to do it for a second time.  Except taking a step back, it’s so much more than a race. I’ve had a blank page for weeks trying to recap what this event meant to me, and finally here I am. To take a step back to catch anyone up; I decided to take on Ironman Mont Tremblant as a member of Team in Training, raising funds in honor of my cousin, Ava Turner who has overcome leukemia. The date was just a little over a year since I had competed in my first Ironman at Louisville. I still can’t fathom what an incredible anf fulfilling experience Ironman has brought into my life. While this is a race recap, I think that you'll get a glimpse into what the day looks like for a triathlete about to spend well over the greater part of the day immersed in racing. 


August 16, 2014

The days leading to Ironman Mont Tremblant

I have to say that I am just in awe at how beautiful this city is and how much it has embraced the athletes and provided a high quality venue. I am so lucky to be here and happy that we chose this event! So let me share a little that has been happening!


August 13, 2014

Mont Tremblant We have Arrived!!!

Check out that picture! Isn't it beautiful? I am absolutely in love with this village! It was TOTALLY worth the long drive here. Since arriving earlier today we have had a chance to visit the village and also drive the course. I am really excited about spending an entire week in this beautiful backdrop. The village is absolutely stunning and the locals are so welcoming and nice. I was worried about not knowing french but everyone speaks both English and french so we haven't had any issues.


August 10, 2014

Even my Lists have Lists!

Chances are, if you know a triathlete, you know that they pack a lot of stuff for race day. I once heard a triathlete say that packing for Ironman was like an expedition to Everest, and they were SO RIGHT! The amount of prep needed to get it right takes alot of time and dedication. This week I am packing for Ironman Mont Tremblant and when I say that my lists have lists.... I mean my lists have lists. You see, Mont Tremblant is a 12 hour drive from home and once I leave I definitely want to make sure that I have EVERYTHING with me.


August 06, 2014

Let me Take Your Loved Ones With Me for 140.6 Miles!

Alright IRONTEAM, you have helped me raise $5,800 for Team in Training and i am so THANKFUL! We all have a personal connection to the mission if you have donated, most likely you know someone who has been effected by this terrible disease. So in exchange for all your support I want to honor your loved ones on my 140.6 mile journey!


July 21, 2014

Racing to Fight Cancer-

Yupp you guessed it-- all about Team in Training. BUt this is some pretty cool stuff, I was featured in the paper.... yuppers. Read all about it HERE. Or below.

- — Former Hickory High athlete Amanda Budzowski is on the run — the run to raise money to fight cancer.


July 19, 2014

So What's New?

So what's new? Well I am so sorry that I seem to be slacking on my updating my blog. I mean the whole point of  having a blog is to share and I feel like I have been really really terrible at sharing this year. Truth is, its just so crazy busy. I keep telling myself as a joke that if I survive August it will be a miracle- but that's kinda true.  Here's the scoop.


July 12, 2014

No More Cancer Parties ROCK!!!

Today was a very special day, it was Ava's no more cancer party (and birthday party). We drove to Akron Ohio to spend the day with family and friends and celebrate the courage and spirit of Ava and her overcoming her battle with "Kemia". As she said... "I kicked Kemia's butt", and she's right!


June 23, 2014

IRONMAN 70.3 Syracuse Recap!

Persistence, Passion, Perseverance

I’ve never really been that great at race recaps just because I don’t really like to sit down and hash out every second of the race on paper- I do that the entire time in my head while I am racing. So here is my shortened recap of Ironman 70.3 Syracuse 2014. We came, we conquered!


June 16, 2014

IRONTEAM we MADE IT to $5000

Thank You to everyone (my IRONTEAM) who came out to Thyme for a Cure on Friday at Thyme in Your Kitchen in Sharon Pennsylvania! Thyme in Your Kitchen is a culinary boutique that offers quality dinnerware, bakeware, kitchen accessories and artisan-made gift ideas. Cooking classes offered for all cooks, from novice to expert.

Pat and John Evans hosted our fundraiser by offering an amazing event for us and we are SO THANKFUL!! Chef Bryce Stanford and Garron Birdsall showed us how to make some delicious summer appetizers (and drinks), The James Willaman Situation played some FABULOUS music, and we even had wine tastings, a candy bar and Chinese auctions! I have to admit that it was a night to remember!
We raised well over $800 for Team in Training! Which will put me at $5000 raised since September. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT, $5000 we all have helped to raise.


June 13, 2014

Wanna Swim, Bike, and RUN?

You said what? You want to wake up at 6am on a SATURDAY and drive WHERE to do WHAT? Yeah, that’s a typical response form most of you when I ask if you want to join me in one of my weekend workouts. Luckily there are a few CRAZIES out there to join me, and this post is ALL ABOUT YOU!
I am so lucky to have some friends who will tag along for WHATEVER the workout is. Without event blinking they already know what they are in for on any given Saturday or Sunday, and I soooo appreciate that.


May 21, 2014

Join us for Thyme for a Cure

Hi Friends! I am extremly excited to give an update on fundraising and introduce to you a wonderful event put on by Thyme in Your Kitchen in Sharon PA to support Team in Training. The evening will include live music by the James Williman Situation, Chinese style cooking, drinks, and celebration. 

Tickets can be purchased HERE

Thyme for a Cure 
Date: June 13, 2014
Location: 79 East State Street, Sharon PA
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Cost: $50
Details: We will have a  large variety of local shop baskets available for raffle. Tickets will be $5 for an arms length.
BYOB: If you wish so, please bring a bottle of wine to share.


May 18, 2014

Cycle for a Cure!!

Again, I have to say it. I have the BEST Support crew around for IRONTEAM, and that’s ALL OF YOU! Thanks to everyone who came out today for Cycle for Cure. 


May 05, 2014

Love and Running - The View From the Sideline

Yesterday was AMAZING, not just because it’s my 6th Pittsburgh Marathon Event (YAY), but because for the first time ever I got to watch from the sideline as my fiancé was running towards his goal. I think this may have been the first time I had an opportunity to cheer him in from the sideline and it was SO MUCH FUN!! It was such a great feeling to have the opportunity to cheer in the very man who is in the rain, snow, and heat either competing beside me or waiting for me at the finish (camera in hand to capture the moment).


April 23, 2014

Join me today at Marathon Google Hangout with some of Pittsburgh's Leading Experts!

We are getting really excited for our marathon nutrition Google Hangout today at 12:30pm:

Be sure to tune and ask questions! Here is our panel of experts (left to right in picture):

Mandy Budzowski, health coach Manager, UPMC Health Plan
- The onsite health coach manager for UPMC Health Plan. She helps members transform their lives for the better through the power of healthy lifestyles.
- Favorite fuel: dried fruit. Favorite hydration: homemade sports drink.
- Has completed the Louisville 140.6 mile IRONMAN, and over 85 marathons, half marathons, adventure races, triathlons, and 5 & 10K races all over the country.


April 11, 2014


Hi Team!! It's hard to believe that training is really starting to gear up and I am just a little under 4 months away from IRONMAN Mont Tremblant.  I am getting more and more excited with each passing day that I start to get more and more involved in immersing myself again in this process. I have a great support team behind me ready to help me complete this journey of 140.6 miles. This time it’s different though. IRONMAN was such a big deal for me and now I get to use the sport to raise awareness and funds for blood related cancers and all those who are fighting them daily. As the largest endurance training program in the U.S., Team In Training raises money towards finding a cure for Leukemia and Lymphoma and all other blood cancers.


April 05, 2014

Let me Run with Your Loved Ones Touched by Cancer

What will I get out of Team in Training over the next 5 months as I finish my journey to IRONMAN Mont Tremblant? Well, I’ve already walked away with new friends, amazing accomplishments and the sense that I have done something even more important than racing or being in good shape. I am contributing to helping save lives and raise awareness of blood cancer. As many of you now cancer has had a profound impact on my life, most likely changing the trajectory of anything that I would have ever done with my life. Most of the reason that I have grown and developed into the woman I am is because of the disease and the possibilities to help save even one life at a time.  


March 27, 2014

Leaning on Some Friends I Know

Hi IRONFRIENDS! Can you believe that we are about 5 months our from IRONMAN Mont Tremblant? The entire experience for training for another IRONMAN has had it's up's and down and I am so happy to be here and in great spirit. I have an amazing support team behind me (all of you) and I am so grateful to share the mission of TNT and the fight for a cure. I owe a huge THANK YOU to all of you for tipping me over the half way mark to $5000!! You are all amazing and I appreciate you!

Let me tell you a little about what I've been up to- last week I had the opportunity to return to Louisville and the home of my first IRONMAN. It was so re-energizing to be there and I just completely took it in. I ran the swim and the run course (photos below) and had a blast. I will definitely be going back to Louisville in 2015 to conquer that course now that I understand a little more about the demand of an August race in the dead heat like that. And I am pleased to say that I found the Churchill Downs (since I missed it at IMLOU)!


March 02, 2014

Thank You!

 Fundraising is hard, right? i find myself being stressed out over it sometimes because the goal I have set out fort seems like alot, and many of my friends and family have already donated.

I owe a huge THANK YOU to everyone who came out to our event this weekend at Priors Tap and Tavern. We ended up raising almost $700 towards my Team in Training goal for IMMT!  Also THANKS to everyone who purchased from the 31 party that we had. That event brought in $190 in fundraising PLUS over $300 worth of product that was used for the raffles at the Priors event! The basket auction was a huge success bringing in the bulk of the cash and the 50/50 raffle also went over extremely well! Priors was also great in that they donated 10% of food and drink sales to us! Huge shout out to my friend Rachel for organizing it!

We plan to have another event there in April which will be a tournament style event with the same basket type auction and 50/50 raffle. To gear up for the next event too we are hosting another 31 party with a $1200 selling goal to get over $500 in free product for the basket raffles!!

We've been raising alot of awareness to TNT and the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, but there's still more to do! Thanks for being here!



February 14, 2014

Have a Heart, Do your Part Radiothon

In November 2011, At the age of just 4 years old, my cousin Ava Turner was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia – a very aggressive blood and bone marrow cancer .  She immediately began an intense outpatient treatment program at Akron Children’s Hospital’s Showers Family Center for Childhood Cancer and Blood Disorders. After undergoing rounds of chemotherapy, steroid regimens and occasional hospital stays, Ava got stronger and gained renewed strength through the expert care of her physicians and nurses.


January 27, 2014

Power with Patience

This weekend the snow was crazy here in Pittsburgh, and just as we were about to venture out for our Saturday workout, Coach texted us. Part of me knew that if he were texting me on a Saturday in the middle of the winter asking "did you workout yet" that it would almost guaranteed be followed by let's run the stairs. He had promised that it would happen at some point this winter, and it did.


January 19, 2014

Walt Disney World Dopey Complete!

It's been exactly a week since the Dopey Challenge in Disney and I am finally getting back to "normal" in terms of routine and workouts. The Dopey Challenge consisted of the 5K, 10K, half marathon, and full marathon for a total of 48.6 miles over 4 days.


January 04, 2014

Green is Good

 This morning as I was sitting in my office someone (who will remain nameless) walked in and said "WHAT THE HECK IS THAT" with this disgusted look on their face. I said " it's my morning smoothie", and they said "oh YUCK! Truth is many people probably think the same thing because they never had one (a good one) or don't know all the ways they can benefit from a cup of green goodness once a day.


January 03, 2014

Team in Training Fundraising- Jewelry

I've always loved sparkly things. I can't confidently say that I necessary love jewelry, but I definitely like the way it looks on other people. Ask anyone who really knows me and they would tell you that I am just not that woman who has dreamed of diamonds and pearls, but luckily I have alot of friends and family who do!